Discussions and short essays about Lincoln Air Force Base

Some selected essays we have completed over the life of the website

The Story of Bowling Lake: The 1956 Lakenheath England Incident - Learn how Lincoln's Bowling lake got its name

Last Missions: The fates of Lincoln's aircraft and missiles - Learn where Lincoln's "Mighty force" ended up in Cold War history

Housing the Men: A short history about the barracks at Lincoln - A small but growing page exploring the housing offered to Lincoln airmen.

On Alert - Bomber ground alert history at Lincoln - Did you know Lincoln had it's own "molehole"? Learn about the 15 minute ground alert program at Lincoln.

Lincolns Closure - Why the base deactivated in 1966 - A look at the gradual deactivation process that gained traction in November 1964.

The Bomb at Lincoln - A look at nuclear weapons on base - Lincoln was a nuclear bomber and missile base, learn more about the weapons that were deployed there.

Lincoln's Hangars - A talk on the structures on base - Lincoln AFB was constructed with a variety of aircraft hangars, some old, some new.

Lincoln's Aviation Past - A discussion on some of the city of Lincoln's pre and post war air fields.